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  • Why does it say my server is offline when it's running?

    +3 votes
    Why does it say my server is offline when it's running? I'm on the server and it sais it's been down for 2417 minutes
    asked Jun 7, 2012 in Minecraft Servers by anonymous

    2 Answers

    +1 vote
    Best answer
    Yes it could be you are looking at a cached version of the page - try refresh it (F5)

    And make sure to give it a manual Ping from your Dashboard.
    answered Jun 9, 2012 by Claush (91,310 points)
    selected Jun 10, 2012 by Claush
    –1 vote

    You can try to reload the page because ot works for me.

    answered Jun 9, 2012 by anonymous
    My Aternos Server Keeps Saying it's offline i've tried everything and it doesn't WORK!! IT CLEARY SAYS IT'S ONLINE on the website but when I go on minecraft IT KEEPS SAYING OFFLINE!!!