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  • How do you give blocks potion effects when stood on? Like in parkour maps

    +4 votes
    I really want to give blocks potion effects and have searched youtube for about an hour now and iv'e found nothing!!


    Please help XD
    asked Sep 12, 2015 in Gameplay by KittyEars (160 points)

    1 Answer

    0 votes
    I've also been searching forever, I haven't found anything yet, but there MIGHT be something to do with block attributes which means what they do. Sorry
    answered Sep 14, 2015 by Abstrakkt_
    Thank you, now i can research how to add block attributes :)
    put command blocks under it snd use the nearest player tag using /effect.

    /give @p diamond_pickaxe 1 0 {
        display: {
            Name: "/give @p diamond_pickaxe 1 0 {     display: {         Name: \"Very Lucky Pick\"     },     AttributeModifiers: [         {             AttributeName: \"generic.followRange\",             Name: \"generic.followRange\",             Amount: 0,             Operation: 2,             UUIDMost: 28806,             UUIDLeast: 660560         },         {             AttributeName: \"generic.knockbackResistance\",             Name: \"generic.knockbackResistance\",             Amount: 1000000,             Operation: 2,             UUIDMost: 63388,             UUIDLeast: 191181         },         {             AttributeName: \"generic.movementSpeed\",             Name: \"generic.movementSpeed\",             Amount: 15000,             Operation: 2,             UUIDMost: 78470,             UUIDLeast: 291881         },         {             AttributeName: \"generic.attackDamage\",             Name: \"generic.attackDamage\",             Amount: 9999999999,             Operation: 2,             UUIDMost: 26641,             UUIDLeast: 120917         }     ],     ench: [         {             id: 0,             lvl: 0         },         {             id: 1,             lvl: 0         },         {             id: 2,             lvl: 0         },         {             id: 3,             lvl: 0         },         {             id: 4,             lvl: 0         },         {             id: 5,             lvl: 1         },         {             id: 6,             lvl: 0         },         {             id: 7,             lvl: 0         },         {             id: 16,             lvl: 0         },         {             id: 17,             lvl: 9999         },         {             id: 18,             lvl: 9999         },         {             id: 19,             lvl: 9999         },         {             id: 20,             lvl: 9999         },         {             id: 21,             lvl: 999         },         {             id: 32,             lvl: 9999         },         {             id: 33,             lvl: 0         },         {             id: 34,             lvl: 0         },         {             id: 35,             lvl: 999         },         {             id: 48,             lvl: 0         },         {             id: 49,             lvl: 0         },         {             id: 50,             lvl: 0         },         {             id: 51,             lvl: 0         },         {             id: 61,             lvl: 0         },         {             id: 62,             lvl: 0         }     ],     HideFlags: 7,     Unbreakable: 1 }"
        AttributeModifiers: [
                AttributeName: "generic.followRange",
                Name: "generic.followRange",
                Amount: 0,
                Operation: 2,
                UUIDMost: 53070,
                UUIDLeast: 302610
                AttributeName: "generic.knockbackResistance",
                Name: "generic.knockbackResistance",
                Amount: 1000000,
                Operation: 2,
                UUIDMost: 54435,
                UUIDLeast: 931423
                AttributeName: "generic.movementSpeed",
                Name: "generic.movementSpeed",
                Amount: 15000,
                Operation: 2,
                UUIDMost: 9992,
                UUIDLeast: 894965
                AttributeName: "generic.attackDamage",
                Name: "generic.attackDamage",
                Amount: 9999999999,
                Operation: 2,
                UUIDMost: 43801,
                UUIDLeast: 524397
        ench: [
                id: 0,
                lvl: 0
                id: 1,
                lvl: 0
                id: 2,
                lvl: 0
                id: 3,
                lvl: 0
                id: 4,
                lvl: 0
                id: 5,
                lvl: 1
                id: 6,
                lvl: 0
                id: 7,
                lvl: 0
                id: 16,
                lvl: 0
                id: 17,
                lvl: 9999
                id: 18,
                lvl: 9999
                id: 19,
                lvl: 9999
                id: 20,
                lvl: 9999
                id: 21,
                lvl: 999
                id: 32,
                lvl: 9999
                id: 33,
                lvl: 0
                id: 34,
                lvl: 0
                id: 35,
                lvl: 999
                id: 48,
                lvl: 0
                id: 49,
                lvl: 0
                id: 50,
                lvl: 0
                id: 51,
                lvl: 0
                id: 61,
                lvl: 0
                id: 62,
                lvl: 0
        HideFlags: 7,
        Unbreakable: 1

    This is just a pick command...