Five people who've been addicted to my server for months, dad and 4 kids, and they want to be able to vote for my ad each day (or at least 3 of them per day will) -- i imagine the system allows for a couple playernames per ip, it would have to - half of my players are siblings, my own house has two accounts in it, etc -- but has a 'i think you're faking names' system in place that kicks at some point.
I understand if you would be reluctant to say in public "Oh you can vote up to n times from the same ip without it being caught as cheating" since then, well, time for people to ramp up the vote by saying "here is a list of 8 names bob, you vote with those, and sam, you take those 8 playernames from our member base, and make sure to vote each day..." etc.
What can/should I tell this family they can do to maximize their helpfulness and minimize their troublesomeness
Would it be something really only a significant problem if their 5 votes made up 5/6 of the votes on a given day, or the first 5 votes, and less significant if I told them "dont vote until there are at least n votes made first" ...
Suggestions - recommendations - limitations. And a direct email to this forum account email is suitable to not answer this in public if you are reluctant to give a firm answer of any sort that could be problem-inducing one way or the other.