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  • What does it mean when my minecraft has failed to laucnh and a fatal error occured(4): Permission denied: connect

    0 votes
    asked Oct 17, 2012 in Minecraft Bugs by anonymous

    2 Answers

    0 votes
    That means that you tried to put in old mods and it will not update.
    answered Oct 23, 2012 by Tim Long (650 points)
    0 votes
    Okay, your problem might be fixed but whatever.  I used to have this problem. It was because of firewall in my case. But I am good with computers and know how to fix it over all. If you have downloaded any new software it is required to delete and reinstall minecraft. If it is not this case it is a java coding error. Go to the Internet and search Java Runtime Enviroment 7 then it should be the first one you see. Click on that. Accept the terms and condishies. Then scroll to the bottom click windows 64x one. Then ht run them hit yes (Must be a adminis.) then DELETED (required) .minecraft and do a redownload. This also works for the cant find java directory problemo with tekkit or technic.
    answered Nov 14, 2012 by anonymous