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  • How do I delete a server awaiting approval from MCSL admin without quarantine?

    +2 votes
    I have been waiting for a week for approval on my mc server and I believe it should not take this long to get approved. Is there a way to delete an unapproved server without consequences?
    asked Oct 29, 2018 in IP Servers List by evilsourcerer (140 points)

    1 Answer

    0 votes
    Servers are approved several times daily. And old queue of non approved servers are also browsed several times weekly.

    If your server is not approved it is either because it registeres as offline or it is not wanted on the list (if the latter you probably know why).

    You do not mention which server it is, so I cannot say for sure why it is not approved.

    Deleting a server, there is a 5 days quarantine before you can submit the same IP again.
    answered Oct 29, 2018 by Claush (91,310 points)