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  • I have a corrupt item on a server and can't get on anymore.

    +3 votes
    I'm not banned or kicked from the server.  The item was a burning furnace but now it is has an invisible texture.  My game crashes when I go on the server and I can't get on.  Can anyone help, its on the server Meepcraft and I bought a rank for that server.
    asked Mar 24, 2016 in Minecraft Servers by benchhl (150 points)

    3 Answers

    0 votes

    Restart your PC/Mac


    answered Apr 1, 2016 by dray
    0 votes
    Try to delete the server and then re-download it. I had a similar problem once, and this worked. Hope this helped!

    P.S. I'd get rid of the item ASAP!
    answered May 5, 2016 by XxDarkLilithxX (1,170 points)
    0 votes
    The issue was i was in minecraft 1.9 and i went to minecraft 1.8 and it worked.  I got rid of the item.
    answered May 8, 2016 by anonymous