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  • How do I change my listing to show I am an adventure-mode server?

    +1 vote

    I am running an adventure-mode server, where everyone who logs in is locked into adventure mode. We have a starter chest for all new players and have scattered chests throughout the world with more goodies, and am working to make the entire server a minecraft-equivalent of an MMO.

    Unfortunately, under my server settings, it only lists Survival and Creative, not Adventure. When will a checkbox be added to allow me to specify my type of server?

    asked Aug 14, 2012 in Minecraft Servers by anonymous

    2 Answers

    0 votes
    Best answer

    Ok I have updated the Minecraft Servers page with 2 new gamemodes - Hardcore mode and Adventure mode.

    You can add your server to the adventure now :)

    answered Aug 14, 2012 by Claush (91,310 points)
    selected Aug 16, 2012 by Claush
    0 votes

    I will look into adding it to the site. It will be aligned with the Survival & Creative category.

    Hope to have it added later today. Thanks for the suggestion!

    answered Aug 14, 2012 by Claush (91,310 points)
    Adventure Server disabled any other tags