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  • Mining issue: I mine and it keeps mining after I stop.

    +1 vote
    I am mining or chopping wood or anything that has to do with holding the left click down and it keeps doing it after I stop. What do I do.? Because I know it isnt my mouse cause i dont have this problem with anything else constantly clicking. It is really annoying and i break stuff I don't want to when this happens. I try logging out and logging back in and it still does it. I even restart my computer and it does it.
    asked Jun 28, 2013 in Minecraft Bugs by Jessica Pinkie Pie B (130 points)

    1 Answer

    0 votes
    you could try undownloading minecraft and then downloading it, if you find no other option. if you find no other options but this one, i am sorry about all your memory.
    answered Jul 1, 2013 by njhanten (600 points)