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  • Player is stuck jumping up and down. Other maps ok. inventory is sometimes visible

    +1 vote
    On the computer on one map - my guy is stuck just jumping up and down by himself - I can look around and swing a tool but I can not move.  I have run through all my keyboards keys thinking it was a lock-shift issue I have rebooted, now I am waiting to be killed - I am in a deep cave so it may take a while!

    Sometimes the inventory is visable at the bottom of the screen sometimes it isnt.
    asked Apr 5, 2013 in Minecraft Bugs by anonymous

    1 Answer

    0 votes
    if you have enabled cheats on it, just do /kill. if you respawn and are still jumping, sorry. cant help
    answered Apr 27, 2013 by BucketMan222 (210 points)