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  • When I am playing Minecraft my mouse doesn't snap back to the center of the screen.

    +1 vote
    I can open up MC perfectly fine, and I can load a world with no trouble, but when I try to run around in the game, my view freaks out and start spinning rapidly. I believe that this is happening because the mouse does not snap back to the center cursor like when I run MC on a PC. I think that this is the problem because when I pause the game, my mouse is not in the center of the screen like it usually is, it is off in a corner of the screen. How can I fix this? Also is this happening because I am running Minecraft on a virtual machine (VMware) on my Mac?
    asked Mar 16, 2013 in Minecraft Bugs by anonymous

    1 Answer

    0 votes
    Have you tried ajusting your sensitvity in the options? if not try moving your sensitivity down a bit.
    answered Mar 19, 2013 by anonymous