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  • Very complicated Please Help

    +1 vote
    (gonna write in short senteces) Made a bukkit server. Finished it. portforwarded succesfully. A few people were on it. My parents are divorced. I made the server on my laptop at my dad's. Then i went to my mom's. ran my server. People couldnt get on it anymore. Someone told me its because i have a different iP ADDRESS at my mom's. so i tried to port forward it at my mom's as well. port forward wasnt working at my moms. (if you want to know why it wasnt working, just ask, but its too complicated to type all down. Ive been looking for solutions online but cant find anything!!!! plz help!!! How can i get my server to work at my mom's and dad's? Please help!!!! if u need me to explain more then just tell me?
    asked Jan 5, 2013 in Minecraft Servers by anonymous

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