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  • Minecraft World Generater does it update?

    0 votes
    when you play a world and you begin to have alot of work on it, when you update for example.. from 1.2 to 1.3.2 or the development builds.. does your world generate those new map things? like the pyramids, sand villages...



    I played on my world for a long time and have already done alot of things but im just curious to if your world updates and generates the new structures.
    asked Oct 10, 2012 in Minecraft Servers by anonymous

    1 Answer

    0 votes
    I think that when you update, all of the world that you have explored will be the same. However, if you explore a new chunk and you find a jungle for example, then there is a chance that it will have a temple.


    Hope I helped.


    answered Oct 12, 2012 by miklvy (13,760 points)