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  • Mojang premium account doesn't work on Minecraft.net

    –1 vote
    I created a mojang account and purchased minecraft. I can login to the game with the email account I used for the account, but when I try to log on to Minecraft.net with the same email and password, it says "oops, unknown username or password". Why won't it recognize my log on information? Is there a way to fix this?
    asked Oct 1, 2012 in Minecraft Bugs by anonymous
    recategorized Oct 1, 2012 by Claush

    1 Answer

    0 votes
    Um, dude?Premium doesnt just automaticaly buy you the game..you have to buy it..with money..not some label that says uve got a mojang premium account
    answered Oct 18, 2012 by ELLAMELLA (8,950 points)
    i have thesame problem i purchase a card from target and mde a mojang account i can log in and play the game and login to the mojang website but the minecraft portion says the username error.
    anyone fixed this?