To clear it up, Minecraft has only legitimately crashed for me once. I would include the crash dialog but it was last week before I messed around with more things on my laptop. My “crashing” problem is freezing, black screening, then going to white screen with a bubble on the bottom saying something along the lines of “AMD driver has crashed and now recovered”. Minecraft goes unresponsive so I have to break out the task manager to close it. When I force it to close, it pops up saying “Java Binary SE” is looking for a solution.
For the past two weeks I’ve been looking and looking for an answer to my problems. I’ve checked with Sony (my laptop type) for the newest drivers and etc, and downloaded anything that was out of date on my laptop. I uninstalled and reinstalled Java 7 64 bit so many times it’s ridiculous. I’ve set the render distance on Minecraft from far to normal, and followed around 25 other suggestions that might fix my problem, including uninstalling and reinstalling Minecraft itself.
But nothing works. Sometimes I can play for a half an hour, sometimes only twenty seconds, but it “crashes” just the same. I’ve also tried to play offline, and in the browser.
So, either it’s really simple and I’m missing it or I’m just not doing something right. So, here are my computer specs:
Model: Sony VAIO
Windows 7 Service Pack 1
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2430M CPU @ 2.40GHz 2.40GHz
RAM: 4.00 GB
System type: 64-bit Operating System
Java: Version 7 Update 7 (64 bit)
Any help would be uber appreciated!
And if you need anymore information, just ask.